世界初の絵文字で頼めるFOOD TRUCKプロモーション! Posted on

世界初の絵文字で頼めるFOOD TRUCKプロモーション!

マレンロウ ・グループ・ジャパンのクライエントの中でも歴史の長い、SPAM®︎ JAPANのプロモーションの一環として、代官山T-SITEにて8月3日〜4日に行われた夏まつりにインスタグラム世代の心をくすぐるフードトラックを出店しました。その名もSPAMOJI FOOD TRUCK。絵文字を選んでインスタグラムのストーリーにアップすると注文ができるという、インスタグラムの機能を駆使した企画です。



SPAM®︎のブランドカラーと絵文字でラッピングされたフードトラックもイベント会場にて注目を集め、さらに東京を駆け抜ける中で、たくさんの人々から驚きのリアクションを受けました。TIME OUTなどのプレスにも取り上げられ、当日はたくさんの方に来ていただきました!

On August 3rd and 4th, we brought “SPAMOJI” – the world’s first ever emoji-powered food truck – to Tokyo foodie heaven Daikanyama, for an unforgettable two-day activation at T-Site’s Natsu Matsuri.

Brand fans all around Japan already love the way that SPAM acts as a delicious addition to all types of cuisines and dishes, but we wanted to bring wider attention to its key benefits – convenience and versatility – in a way that would be unforgettable for any Insta-foodie that was present. So we designed a bespoke, data-driven food truck activation where customers were able to order custom bowls of SPAM using their favorite platform – Instagram. The ingredients they picked from a list of 12 emojis were then turned into a special SPAM-don right there and then. Customers were even notified by Instagram DM when their order was ready!

With its unique and eye-catching design – updating the classic SPAM brand palette for maximum Insta-bae potential – the food truck turned the heads of tens of thousands of people who passed through T-Site during the two days – and countless more as it drove through the streets of Tokyo, as well as being covered by major publications including Time Out.